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Q: How can you rationalise a grown man having sex with 9 year old girl?

[একবার এক্সিডেন্টলি একজন ইন্দোনেশীয় এগনোস্টিকের সাথে তর্কে জড়িয়ে পড়ি। একসময় মুহাম্মাদ সাল্লাল্লাহু 'আলাইহি ওয়াসসাল্লাম এর সাথে আয়েশা (রা) এর বিয়ে নিয়ে কথা উঠে। এই বিষয়ে তার প্রশ্ন ও আমার উত্তরটা পড়ে দেখতে পারেন (কিছুটা এডিট করা)।এই বিষয়ে আমি বিস্তারিতভাবে বাংলাতে লিখব, যেটা অনেকদিন ধরেই ভাবছিলাম।]

Q: How can you rationalise a grown man having sex with 9 year old girl? 

Ans: You are confusing chronological age with biological maturity. By biological maturity I mean the maturity of reproductive system. When a female fetus detects stressful situation during intrautrine life, epigentic changes occur which changes (enhancement) her metabolic pathways and onset of sexual hormone secretion becomes earlier. This entails the early onset of puberty which ensures the biological maturation and makes a female sexually competent.

So what kind of stress I am talking about? For example,If a female fetus receive inadequate nutrition then it will decide that" I have to maximize my metabolic capacity as I am going to starve and I will not live for long. So I have to become mature reproductively early so that I can transmit my genes to the posterity . "

But what happens when the fetus is born and start to live in a highly nutritive environment? She will mature much more early as her metabolic pathways are enhanced. Puberty will occur much more early and menstruation can be occured even at the age between 6 to 8 years! ( Check the chapter -Coming of age of the book Mismatch by peter gluckman for more information.)
And When Ayesha (Rh) lived psychosocial maturation also coincided with biological maturation, So there is no stress at her during her early married life.
But now marriage at early age (at age 9-16 suppose) shouldn't be allowed because for the first time in our biological history Psychosocial maturation and biological maturation are not coinciding. Rather girls are becoming psychosocially mature after biological maturation. So if you make them marry, they will be proned to stress.
And if you know about the strees physiology you will understand the bad consequences of stress which could occur to them.


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